Theme was made for WordPress 3.4 and newer versions. Make sure that you’re not using version below 3.4, otherwise upgrade your WordPress version if it is possible ( ).
In two words, you need to upload «Churchope» folder from our archive to your hosting into wp-content/themes directory (wp-content/themes/churchope that’s how it should be look like). Or you can use «Install theme» function from dashboard and choose for upload «» that located at root of our archive. After that activate Theme from WordPress admin panel by clicking » Themes» in «Appearance» section, which is located on the left side. After activation you’ll be redirected to your theme settings page. More detailed instruction below.
First of all you choose the method which suits you most – via WP dashboard or FTP.
The easier method is via WP dashboard but there are certain situations when it is impossible so we are going to name both.
Installation via FTP
a) Use the simple download-extract scheme for the theme. There is an important point here: be sure you keep the original structure of the directories after decompressing the archive. Most often the authors of the theme add guidelines for installation. Follow them.
b) Most often a theme archive already contains needed structure of directories ready to upload your theme on your host web server after extracting.
Upload to wp-content/themes/ folder with theme files on your host web server using an FTP client to access.
c) Transfer the extracted theme files.
There are two ways of getting files onto your site, and once there, changing them.
By using your cPanel, or whatever file manager is provided by your host.
By using an FTP or SFTP client. You can learn how to use FileZilla here.
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Installation via WP dashboard
a) Installation of the Theme via WP dashboard starts naturally with logging on to the WP
administration panel.
b) Select “Appearances” at the left panel and then choose “Themes”.
c) Click “Install Themes”.
d) Press Upload in the upper sub menu to install downloaded earlier archive of your Theme.
The final step is Activation
1. Enter the WP Administration Panel in your blog
2. Select the name or a screenshot of a Theme you wanted to activate in Appearances panel/Themes.
3. A preview window with your theme will open. Check if it looks properly.
4. You will see Save & Activate + name of your theme in the upper left corner.
5. Activation complete.
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Known problems when installing the theme
The “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error is most common when you install or activate a new theme.
However that doesn’t necessarily mean that the theme was actually broken or the so important part is missing. It would rather mean that the theme was just uploaded to the server incorrectly and missing stylesheets are not missing but got to the wrong folder when downloading and unzipping.
Here are some tips how to fix that:
a. After downloading and unzipping open the final theme folder. Inside there will be the actual theme folder. The actual theme folder is where the “ style.css” file is.
b. You must upload only the actual theme folder to your WordPress host. Our advice is to double check.
c. Enter your WordPress admin panel and activate your new theme.
Summing up, the destination /wp-content/themes/themename/themename/style.css is incorrect and is the reason of “ Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message.
It must look like /wp-content/themes/themename/style.css
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Problems with uploading via WP admin panel due Upload limit.
You may check your file upload limit on Your Media Uploader page in WordPress. Depending upon the web hosting company and the conditions of the service they provide it may vary. The most common is about 8 MB which is more or less enough. But uploading some media files like audio and video may become a problem with for example 2 MB upload limit.
We decided to share some tips about how to extend your maximum file upload size in WordPress:
1. Through functions.php file:
You may add the below mentioned code in the functions.php file of your theme
@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );
@ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');
@ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );
2. Through PHP.INI file:
If you cannot see the php.ini file in your directory create the new one with below mentioned code and upload it to your root folder on your web server.
If you can see the php.ini file then change parameters or add :
upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M
max_execution_time = 300
In case that tip does not work with 64MB, try it with 10MB.
3. Through .htaccess method
You may try modifying the existing .htaccess file in the root directory or creating a new one.
Add the following code in the existing or new htacess file:
php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300
You can reset all of the setting for the each page on our custom panel by clicking «Reset» button on the bottom.
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